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Close Call For US Banks

Onward To Globalism

Allow me to vent, if you don't mind.

Two interesting things happened this week that lends credibility to the speculation that all of this "banking crisis" might not be as accidental as is presented.

In an unprecedented move, there was a "global" rate cut this week.

In other words, this problem is sooooo big that we can't handle it alone, but we must combine with everyone on the planet to solve this "crisis."

Yeah, right!

The other thing that caught my attention was how the stock market would take a huge dive right before the close every day this week. The CNBC talking heads explained that this was because everybody wanted to be out of the market overnight, just in case there happened to be a major meltdown in the Asian markets overnight.

Again, here we have another "global" problem that will no doubt require a "global" solution.

In days to come, look for solutions to these problems to be proposed that would give us less control over our own economic fate, and give it to the international bankers who created this mess in the first place.

Truly, The Killers Are With the Patient.

Wave bye-bye to American sovereignty as we are being sold down the globalist river, and are too complacent and uneducated to even know or care.

I guess the WWII generation WAS the greatest generation, because this one sure isn't!

Reminds me of the old Pall Mall cigarette slogan, "I'd rather fight than switch."

Well that generation is gone, and mine would rather "switch" than "fight."

We would rather take the easy way out, stick our head in the sand and pass these problems on to our kids, than stand up and do something about it now.

Our motto is "peace and prosperity at any cost."

And that being the case, we aren't worthy to enjoy the freedoms that our fathers and grandfathers died for.

We get what we deserve!