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Close Call For US Banks


I couldn't have written this better myself!

by Howard Katz
"Everyone in the establishment is now running around saying that the economy is in terrible danger, that a massive crisis threatens. Well, when a general loses a battle, he gets canned. When an economy collapses into chaos, then the economic manager should get canned.

If the people who are in charge of our economy are as smart as they pretend, then how could we be in a crisis?

Let’s fire them all and get a new batch in who might do a better job.

In Tragedy and Hope Carroll Quigley describes the strategy of the establishment as working behind the scenes to make sure that both major parties follow the same policies.

Notice the recent Wall Street bailout bill!

Both McCain and Obama supported it. So did President Bush and Nancy Pelosi.

If you are caught up in the heat of this campaign and think that it is vitally important that one of these candidates be stopped, YOU HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN BY THE ESTABLISHMENT.

In this election, you will have two choices on the economy: the Demipublican and the Libertarian. That is reality. All the rest is image."

I have always heard that the height of insanity is to continue to do the same old thing and expect a different result. Well, I must have a bunch of insane friends cause they still think their Democrat or Republican vote will make a difference.

Please, wake up and quit wasting your votes, or you WILL pay for it in your investment portfolio.