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Close Call For US Banks

Osama or Cain? 'Bout the Same

The widely held notion amongh investors is that Republicans are conservatives and Democrats are liberals. This leads to the assumption that a Republican president will be good for the economy, while a Democrat will be bad. Republicans are supposed to be good for business, while all the liberals want to do is tax and spend.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You do not get to be President of the United States of America without doing what the "money elite" want done. If not, you get a bullet in the head.

The identical votes by McCain and Obama, on an issue that was split down party lines in the House is just another example of this truth.

Uncertainty looms over $700 billion bailout plan for U.S. financial markets

The ambivalence of the U.S. political establishment over the $700 billion U.S. financial markets bailout plan has not calmed the markets. At the very least, it made clear that the politicians are not fully convinced about the need for government support for the financial industry which espouses free-market philosophy.

The House of Representatives rejected the plan by 228 to 205 votes, as a pre-vote speech by the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, caused a majority of Republicans to vote against the bill while Democrats considered it positively. However, the U.S. Senate passed a modified version by 74 votes to 25.

Both presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama voted in favor of the bill in the Senate.

The modified version for the Senate included some populist measures like temporarily increasing the insurance limit on bank deposit as well as personal and corporate tax cuts of about $150 billion.

Never forget, it's always about the money! Social and moral issues like abortion, homosexuality and global warming are just smokescreens to distract us from what is really going on.

Don't beleive me?

Just ask Kennedy or Lincoln.