Last week I posted a short article about Presidential candidate Ron Paul and why he will never be elected. For those of you who think the media isn't shaping your vote, I would ask you to watch the following short clip about how the media ignores Ron Paul.

Likewise, this same media that has convinced you, the unthinking American public, that Ron Paul does not exist, has also convinced you that neither does gold exist as an investment choice. That's why you don't own any yet, because you are too lazy to do your own homework and think for yourselves. You take the prostitute media's word that gold is a poor investment. And in the end, when you are standing in the bread line with other doctors, lawyers, engineers and other "smart" people because your $500,000 401k plan has evaporated, you will only be able to point the finger of blame at yourselves because you listened to a media who were merely the mouthpeices of those who were systematically stealing from you while they pretended to be your friends.
Word of advice..... if you don't want to be standing with those "smart" people in the bread lines in the future, then don't stand with them now. Be different. Think for yourself and dare to stand alone. No one ever became great (or rich) following the crowd.