I've always been the "crazy" one in my family. You know, the one that sees conspiracies, evil and demons behind every rock? Yeah, that's me. So I have gotten accustomed to being alone (Translated: "out front") on most issues and having to wait on everyone else to catch up. So it feels real good to have Presidential Candidate Ron Paul confirm what I've been saying for years, namely, that the folks that run this country are not stupid, but have a plan in place for its systematic dismantlement. Put plainly.... a conspiracy.
In the following interview, Congressman Paul was asked whether the purpose of the FEMA Camps, and specifically HR 645, The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, were to incarcerate Americans in a time of civil unrest. In true Ron Paul fashion, his answer is direct and shocking.
The "trial run" for civil unrest is currently playing in London now. You can be sure that the globalists are fine tuning their strategies for the real game which will come to America soon.
And what might bring civil unrest to our shores? There are any number of black swans circling overhead that could be triggered to bring this about, but the obvious choice at this point would be economic hardship, a plight which I have espoused all along was a "planned" event. (Got gold?) Let the average, mild-mannerd, everyday citizen get hungry enough and he will take to the streets like a third-world peasant.
The people that run this world are not stupid. Obama is not stupid. Bush was not stupid. They are doing exactly what the plan calls for. They are systematically dismantling our nation and selling us down the globalist river. Nothing is by accident.
The game plan calls for civil unrest. They will create it, and you can be sure that they will be fully prepared for it when it arrives. The only question that remains is "will you be prepared?" And sadly, the answer to that question for 99% of Americans is "no." And when you get hungry enough you will eventually take to the streets and demand change. And it is change you will get, and HR 645 is waiting in the wings to give it to you.
Okay, I'm finished ranting, for now. Put your head back in the sand and have a nice day!