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Close Call For US Banks
Gold, God's Currency

Heard the following joke recently:

A KGB officer is walking in the park and he sees and old Jewish man reading a book.

The KGB says, "What are you reading, old man?"

The old man says, "I am trying to teach myself Hebrew."

KGB says, "Why are you trying to learn Hebrew? It takes years to get a visa for Israel. You would die before the paperwork got done."

"I am learning Hebrew so that when I die and go to heaven I will be able to speak to Abraham and Moses. Hebrew is the language they speak in heaven," the old man replies.

"But what if when you die you go to hell?" asks KGB.

And the old man replies, "Russian I already know."

Just as Hebrew is the language of God's economy, in the not too distant future, gold will once again be the language of the world's economy as the paper money of today's world yields once again to the money of last resort..... gold.

Consider the following comments this week from Casey Research's Daily Dispatch:

"Morgan Stanley reported in 2009 that there's "no historical precedent" for an economy that exceeds a 250% debt-to-GDP ratio without experiencing some sort of financial crisis or high inflation. Our total debt now exceeds GDP by roughly 400%."

"Investment legend Marc Faber reports that once a country's payments on debt exceed 30% of tax revenue, the currency is "done for." On our current path, analyst Michael Murphy projects we'll hit that figure by October."

It's a sad day for us as Americans when we must concede that our dollar is the equivalent of the Russian language in the above joke.... a cheap impostor. But as investors in gold already know, just as Hebrew is the perfect heavenly language, so also was gold created by God as perfect money and the day is fast approaching when all will understand this truth.

Got gold?