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Close Call For US Banks

I Told You So

(Please note that the written word cannot be fully understood because of the black and white nature of it. In other words, you cannot see the joking nature in which I write this little post. Though it sounds like sour grapes, it is only meant as a fun little rant.)

Several years ago I sent out an email to all my friends, family and associates letting them know of my dire long-term outlook for the economy and America in general. In it I detailed my belief that our political and financial systems had been taken over by those who see only green, and are blind to red, white and blue.

I maintained that Republicans and Democrats were like zebras; though they might appear opposite with one looking like a white stripe and the other like a black one....the truth is that you will get the same result from either party, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SAME ANIMAL!

My belief is that a conspiracy of super wealthy and powerful bankers and financiers control politics and our economies, and are purposefully driving us to the brink of destruction FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF recreating our world in way that gives them ultimate and unrestrained power.

The beauty of their plan is that no armies need be involved. There will be no political overthrows. On the contrary, the masses will ASK for these changes in exchange for security.

Bye bye freedoms.

Certainly a free and democratic America stands as a large obstacle to the realization of that dream, and because of this, this current economic "crisis" has been, and will continue to be, micro-managed to its pre-determined outcome.

The Reaction
Of course, when I wrote this originally, most took my comments as confirmation of what they had always believed, and that was that "Old Dave is crazy."

Well, I can understand how folks would think that, for afterall, this isn't the kind of stuff you get from the nightly news. And who are you gonna believe? Some nut job from SC, or the NATIONAL NEWS? DUH!!! The news is objective!!!

The Vindication
Most of you know that, as a Christian, I certainly believe there will be a one-world government in the last days, and that we are in those last days. So it is understandable for folks to look at my conspiracy theories with just a bit of suspiscion as though I am trying to press the square peg of reality into my round hole of religious beliefs and make it fit. I will give you that.

You think I am not playing with the same deck as everyone else, but the point of this little post, is to let you know that there WERE quite a few folks playing with the same deck as you that are now saying the same things I was 5 years ago.

What They Are Saying
Jim Willie CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 24 years. He runs an investments advisory newsletter at www.GoldenJackass.com. As far as I know, he is not particularly religious, and therefore has no axe to grind.

Jim recently wrote, "The networks seem totally incapable of noticing the responsibility of Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan in the destruction, a gigantic blind spot. It is truly remarkable that so much corruption has destroyed the systems underlying the United States, yet observers cannot come to grips with the fact that the corruption is engrained within the most revered firms still in charge."

Now, let me interpret that for you. What Jim is saying is that the super wealth financiers and bankers who control the world are the ones responsible for this mess, and the financial media can't seem to figure that out.


Now, let's ask a question. Is it that they can't figure it out, or that they are simply bought and paid for as the propaganda team for the Wall Street money machine?

Five years ago I was laughed at for suggesting that there was a conspiracy afoot to bring down the United States' economy and financial system.

No body is laughing today.

Well, actually, let me take that back. If you still believe that this is all by chance, by greed and corruption, and NOT an orchestrated effort to destroy the sovereignty of the USA........then, wait a minute....I DO hear someone laughing.

It is me laughing at you.

Just remember this: Your lack of education and understanding does not make me crazy.

Regarding 2009, which will be the worst year since the great depression, just remember....I TOLD YOU SO!